by Bill Seiberlich
Rob Biesenbach works with leaders who want to be more persuasive and authoritative in everything they do. That means helping them break free from “Death by PowerPoint,” tell their story…and communicate like human beings!
One of Rob’s greatest successes has been his book Unleash the Power of Storytelling: Win Hearts, Change Minds, Get Results, which has recently marked its highest month of sales since initial publication three years ago.
Rob is an expert at diagnosing the biggest mistakes corporate storytellers make, and prescribing simple remedies that allow stories to flourish.
Rob's expertise stems in part from his second career as a Second City-trained actor. He uses lessons from the world of performance to help people perform better in the workplace, the marketplace and their everyday lives.
Attendees at Rob’s April 7 webcast with IABC Philadelphia will come away with practical strategies to become effective storytellers. They will take away:
- A deeper insight into experiential factors that power every great story
- A proven method for nailing a story’s ending and bringing the audience full circle
- Tools to find and nurture the small-but-critical moments that bring a story to life
- Ways to overcome “TEDsteria” and other obstacles that sabotage stories
- Ways to bring out the best stories in others
What is the biggest barrier to success in communicating and effective storytelling? According to Rob, it’s when people psych themselves out and overcomplicate things. The solution is sticking to the basics—there’s strength in simplicity.
For more ideas on how to communicate like a human being, check out Rob’s website at