How to Prepare for and Deal with a Crisis

Virtual Panel Discussion


One thing we know for sure is that a crisis will happen. From political issues, product recalls, and pandemics to the hundreds of other predicaments that may arise, it’s not a matter of if a crisis will happen but when it will happen. And when it happens, you’ll be called upon as a communicator for guidance. Are you prepared?

IABC Philadelphia and IABC New York Tristate chapters invite you to join a lively crisis communications panel discussion geared toward in-house communicators and external consultants.

Thursday, January 19, 2023
Noon - 1:00 p.m.

Chapter members: $10
Guests: $20
Students: $5

If you’ve experienced a crisis at your company, you understand that it can be fast and furious. The departments involved have different goals and responsibilities, which won’t always align. The important thing is that when a crisis happens, communicators are ready to react in a way that’s fast and smart.

Our discussion focuses on how communicators can bring the right people together and create a path forward that mitigates legal risk and protects the brand during times of crisis.

Rick Alcántara and Audra Hession, presidents of IABC Philadelphia and IABC NYC/Tristate, will lead the discussion. Joining the conversation are:

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Lynn Perry Wooten Richard Levick David Klucsik Carey Dearnley

Our esteemed panelists bring a diverse mix of perspectives and will share their secret sauce for effective crisis communications.

Even if crisis response is not your full-time responsibility, it’s something you’ll face sooner or later in your career. 

What you’ll gain from this program:

  • A solid understanding of the types of crises that may arise
  • What communicators can do to be better prepared
  • How to work with the variety of players involved
  • What to consider when communicating externally and internally
  • January 19, 2023 at 12:00pm – 1pm
  • online
  • 29 people are going
  • Rick Alcantara


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$20.00 Guests
$10.00 Chapter Members
$5.00 Students