As business communicators, we have the ability and obligation to drive innovation, break down barriers and amplify the voices of historically marginalized and underrepresented groups.
Join us on June 28 and learn how to create purposeful multicultural communications that resonate with your audience and are authentic, consistent, and proactive.
Presentations on cultural intelligence, the intersection of AI and #DEI, inclusive brand strategies and more, followed by a panel discussion on inclusive communication strategies.
June 28, 2023
9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. ET
As a part of our efforts to increase our DEI communications, we're partnering with pocstock, a diversity-focused stock photography company and DEI image consultancy.
9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. ET
Applied DEI Philosophy
Luke-Matthew Iveson, Director, DEI Centre of Excellence at Forty1 Luke-Matthew Iveson will be sharing an introduction to their 'Applied DEI' philosophy, a method to ensure the successful application of DEI principles in the workplace, turning commitments into action. They will explain the key ingredients required to implement ‘Applied DEI’, providing practical examples and insights, specifically tailored around DEI internal communications.
10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. ET
AI and Its Impact on DEI Communications
Kim Clark, Owner Kim Cark Communications Inc. Kim Clark (she/her), DEI communications speaker and consultant will showcase examples from some of the Generative AI (artificial intelligence) platforms and talk about ways we can use them to enhance our work....and how Generative AI is the reflection of the current state of performative communications and what we can do about it.
- Introduction to generative AI tools and capabilities
- The secret sauce to making generative AI a new member of your communications team
- Examples of ChatGPT results on DEI communication samples
- Words and actions of caution in generative AI
11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. ET
Keynote Presentation - How Cultural Intelligence Can Drive Inclusive Brand Impact and Growth
Lili Gil Valletta, CEO and Co-founder, Culture+ Group
As corporations continue to dial up their DEI efforts, how can brands adopt an inclusive approach to customer understanding, creativity, and growth in today's fast-changing market? This session explores a practical framework of Cultural Intelligence®️ that can empower brands with integrated inclusivity to deliver societal impact and business growth.
- Understand why Cultural Intelligence® is essential for brands today, driving inclusive customer understanding, creativity, and growth.
- Learn how to apply a practical framework to integrate Cultural Intelligence® into brand strategies, fostering inclusivity and delivering societal impact and business growth.
- Discover how inclusivity contributes to deeper customer insights, enabling more effective marketing and product development.
- Embrace diverse perspectives and cultural influences to foster creativity, leading to fresh and impactful brand campaigns and initiatives.
- Explore case studies and best practices of how you can achieve long-term business growth by unlocking the power of Cultural Intelligence®.
12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. ET
Conscious Inclusive Communication. Step 1 Inclusion, Step 2 Repeat
J. L. Grayson, Brand Strategy and Marketing Manager, Moffitt Cancer Center
J.L. Grayson, Director of Brand Strategy will discuss how communication can be a catalyst in engaging all communities and intervening to remedy healthcare disparities.
A true commitment to engaging your audience and bridging gaps in healthcare disparities begins with “communication”. She will discuss the following:
Communication: The key to bridging gaps in care and building trust.
Communication: Considering unique perspectives and using them as a catalyst to remove barriers. The importance of gaining a deep understanding.
Brand values: making the connection, internally and externally.
Research. Plan. Execute (Knowing. Understanding. Doing)
1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. ET
Planning Your Inclusive Communications Strategies
A one-hour panel discussion on strategies for making your organization's communications more inclusive.
Host: Rick Alcantara
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