Being Confident and Competent on Camera is the New Essential Skill

Screen_Shot_2021-12-03_at_3.33.09_PM.pngIn February of 2020, I had just returned from a training assignment in Indiana. Covid was not yet seen as a real threat, perhaps a bump in the road. One month later my business was essentially shut down, and I began to wonder if I could even keep doing what I was doing.

Like many, I spent a lot of time online. As the weeks rolled by, I noticed something: most of us werent looking good. Why? Because prior to Covid being confident and competent on camera was irrelevant. Very few of us did our jobs on camera. Today almost all of us are trying to get results through a camera. Its different. Its the new essential skill.

Lets face it, even if Covid went away today, virtual engagement is here to stay. Why? Well, there are some pluses, not the least of which is no commute time. Virtual communication has given many the gift of time, which is really the gift of life. Travel expenses, dining expenses, so many expenses plummet with virtual engagement. The ability to be anywhere in the world, talk face-to-facewith anyone in the world, at the click of a button is stunning. Folks, some dont want to go back. Many dont want to go back. Virtual is here to stay. Whether you’re leading or selling or preaching or teaching or simply interviewing for a job, being confident and competent on camera is the new essential skill.

Most people are now quite familiar with the term Zoom fatigue. Interest in virtual events is waning. Why? Please hear me. Its primarily because the people on camera are not good on camera. Most of us have been looking at screens for many hours a day for many years. If whats on the screen is interesting, were interested. If whats on the screen isnt interesting, were quickly fatigued and want to change the channel. Dont be the cause of Zoom fatigue.

Some of this is just the basics. Make sure you have good lighting and a good camera. Look through the camera instead of at your screen. Do your best to have a non-distracting background. Don’t be afraid to spend a couple of hundred bucks. As many have said before me, You never get a second chance to make a first impression.What impression do people have of you when your video is on? Some might say, Ill just turn the video off.That is not a solution. Video offputs a severe cap on your ability to get results.

Alright, my video is on and Ive got the basics covered. Now what?Get good at storytelling. Almost nothing helps your virtual presence more than the ability to concisely share relevant stories supporting your purpose. Thats a skill, and without putting the hard sellon you, I can help with that. The truth is you only have three options when trying to get results: be some combination of inspiring, convincing and persuasive. Those are high bars, but you can do it, and effective storytelling is a powerful tool. Realize storytelling isnt about coming up with something to say to get people to do stuff; its about telling the truth. Your true stories, if well told, can inspire. They can convince. They can persuade. Theres no need to make stuff up.

David Horsewood
Fire by Light Training