Automatically Increase Engagement and Response with Behavioral Science

Nancy HarhutShortcuts for ensuring that your marketing messages generate engagement and response

Every day behavioral scientists uncover new information that confirms people don’t really think about what they do. Instead, they conserve mental energy and react automatically -- relying on hard-wired decision defaults that influence everything from what they read … to whom they trust … to when they buy.

If you want your marketing messages to persuade people to act, you need to know how to trigger these decision defaults. And you want easy, effective ways to do that.

In this example-jammed presentation, you’ll discover the decision-making shortcuts all humans have, and how you can use them to make sure your marketing messages generate engagement and response. Don’t risk being ignored, overlooked, or forgotten. Gain your competitive advantage by communicating to hack people’s brains.

About Nancy Harhut

A top-ranked speaker, Nancy’s known for her interesting and actionable insights that focus on the impact of behavioral science on marketing. She's wowed audiences in Sydney, London, Berlin, and all over the US with her high-energy, example-jammed presentations. The Co-founder and Chief Creative Officer of HBT Marketing, Nancy’s been named one of the 10 Most Fascinating People in B2B Marketing, a Social Top 50 Email Marketing Leader, and a Top 40 Digital Strategist. She and her teams have won over 200 awards for B2C and B2B marketing effectiveness. Check out her new book, “Using Behavioral Science in Marketing.”

  • December 15, 2022 at 12:00pm – 1pm
  • Online
  • 22 people are going
  • Rick Alcantara


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