Building Trust: How Effective Communication Makes Leaders (No Matter Your Role)
by Diane Streleckis - Ask a communication professional the ultimate goal of any message and they’ll likely say creating trust. Former two-star Navy Admiral and current Fortune 100 aerospace company VP Mike Manazir agrees.
“Effective leadership is founded on trust,” he said. “Communication portrays that trust.” Most importantly, he noted, people follow those that they trust.
Read moreSave the Date: Third Annual Marcom Super Meetup
Mark your calendar for January 23 when the Marcom Super Meetup returns to Philadelphia. The third annual networking event will be open to members of several Philadelphia-area PR, marketing and advertising associations, including IABC, PRSA, Philly Ad Club, PPRA, AMA and others. Details will be coming in the next few weeks.
3 Ways to Election-Proof Your Company’s Reputation
By Diane Streleckis - This highly charged election cycle can be particularly fraught for communication professionals. Leaders often want to share their policy perspectives or feel pressured to do so by expectant employees or stakeholders. But the risks to the company’s public perception, as well as a leader’s individually, can be high if a message goes awry.
Renew Your Dues in October
Renew your IABC dues in October for a chance to receive complimentary registration to Alex Sevigny's AI Master Class, Part 2. You'll also receive access to Part 1.
Learn from Politicians’ Video Missteps: 4 Cautionary Tales from an Emmy-Winning Journalist
By Diane Streleckis - The nature of politics means politicians are used to being interviewed on video. But just because they do it often doesn’t mean they’re immune from common missteps. Kerry Barrett, founder of media-training firm Kerry Barrett Consulting. and an Emmy-winning broadcast journalist, shared four anecdotes highlighting what communication professionals can look out for, whether they’re on camera or advising business leaders and colleagues.
Photos from IABC Philly's Masterclass on Prompt Writing
Our August 6 masterclass on prompt writing for communication professionals drew several live attendees and 33 virtual guests. The online participants hailed from California, D.C., Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Minnesota, North Carolina, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Texas, Virginia and Edmonton, Canada.
Greg Matusky, CEO of Gregory FCA. delivered the engaging and informative presentation from his company's office in Ardmore, PA.
Read morePaulling Obtains IABC Certification
IABC Philadelphia Programming Committee Chair Daniel Paulling earned his CMP certification from the Global Communication Certification Council, the only person to do so at the IABC World Conference in June. He joins Rashi Iyer, IABC Philadelphia's accreditation/certification chair, as the only active chapter members to have been certified.
IABC Philly Wins Professional Development Award
IABC Philly received the 2024 chapter management award for professional development from IABC International. The award, presented at the association's recent World Conference in Chicago, "recognizes the leadership, management, creativity and teamwork of IABC chapter leaders."
Photos from May14 Presentation on AI Prompt Writing
On May 14, Greg Matusky, CEO and Founder of Gregory FCA, delivered an engaging program on AI prompt writing.
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